Beds & Furniture for Archis Kindergarten

Grand Opening

Archis village is 200 kilometers from Yerevan. The population of the village is 1294 people, with 360 households. Their most common occupation is farming and tending to livestock.  There is one school in this village with 132 students. The kindergarten has one group of 31 students but needed our assistance to open a second group to accommodate 30 more students. There is an immediate need for this addition of the second group as there are more kindergarten-aged children in the village than the school can accommodate.  Most of the households are attending their farms. Most of the farms are about 20kilm away from their village, so it was very important to have the second group added to the kindergarten so that their parents can comfortably work in their fields while their children are learning and being cared for during the day. This kindergarten needed 30 beds, bedding, tables, chairs, and cabinets, which FCN was happy to provide. 

  • Sponsors: Generous supporters of Focus on Children Now (FCN)

  • FCN Program: Education