Beds, Bedding, Furniture, & a Playground for Goris #4 Kindergarten


Goris #4 Kindergarten is located in Goris city in the Syunik province, which is in the southern part of Armenia. It is located about 238km from the capital, Yerevan. 

Goris is the second largest city in Armenia. The main driving occupations in this city have to do with food plants & processing, as well as electricity/light. The population is about 20,300. The city has 7 secondary schools and 7 kindergartens. Kindergarten #4 operates 11 months out of the year and has 90 kindergarteners enrolled, and 20 children that were still on a waiting list. 

With our beds, bedding, and furniture project, we were able to help open up another classroom to enroll those 20 students on the waitlist. 

Additionally, the kindergarten requested a playground, as their equipment was too rusted and dangerous for use. We were thrilled to be able to install a brand new playground so that 100+ children could experience the joys of playtime safely. 

  • Sponsors/Dedications: Shoppers of the ShopFCN Mother’s Day Pop-up

  • FCN Program: Education